Like the river that maintained its course after carving its way through the land, the waters expect to move along the path, once treacherous, now watery. In that same way, the expectation from the group increased a lot. Slowly but steady, we startedto realize each other incomplete without the other. Be it any occasion, or tour, whenever everyone was available then only did the plan get executed, atleast we required a Quorum to execute our plan.
In this context, quite individualistic, I can cite one incident. It revolved over a personal matter but which turned upon Joydeep, Ariit and Budha. After a long drooled day, I wanted to each phuchka, a great Indian Fast Food delicacy! But no one was competent enough to get down to the ground floor. I supressed my wish, but little while later, all agreed to go down for smoke. That made me little tarn! After all, they could have done the same job a little ago, but opted not to! I hurried past them, showing an abominable attitude. Acrid in behavior, I made my way down to have the food. On challenging, they lost, but again as per the deal, didnt bring up a suitable act to keep the bet! That too tempered me!
Later on, as the "Group" catalysed a mo

P.S: The Bet was on Dahi Phuchka!