Saturday, March 22, 2008

हैप्पी होली...

तुझसे नाराज़ नही जीन्देगी...
हैन्रण हूँ मैं...
हैरान हूँ मैं...

The season of Holi comes, and goes away in a jiffy. Like whole India, Calcutta celebrated the colourful with colour. But what makes me very awed, is to the fact that the theme of Holi or Dol (as its known in these parts of the country), is not celebrated in the spirit that we used to do, some 14-15 years ago. Today everyone is so so busy that the time to spend, halting in the fast pace of life, to take a touch of the colour on their fore head even. This changes can be seen in some of the children where thay are busy with their computer games. One of my student, well... he just was safe playing Wolverstien in his play station. The graphics are much more "beautiful" to him than the colours of human hands and smiles!!

This makes me bewildered and sad....

तुझसे नाराज़ नही जिन्दगी...
हैन्रण हूँ मैं....
है रान हूँ मैं...

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