Thursday, April 16, 2009


May be the out burst upon my side was too much. But if this is how one common man can say..and feel... there are billions to encounter. May be most of us wont heed the prayers of a common man. Just another face in the crowd of millions in a city? To live, get out for work and then get back to home! But it is for these illicit (again harsh, but can't help), that we cannot help but think something else other than the normal and accepted schedule.
Today I hear that the gallant officers and the pedestrian captured Kasab Ansari would be treated partly on humanitarian grounds, as according to the International Council of Law. Show humanitarian regards to a person who does not know what it means to be a human. He had pleaded for his other's visit? Why? Let him rot in the prison (as long as he is not hanged!) without meeting any of his "close" ones! Feel like pumping a few bullets in his close one's heart infront of him! Insane! Piglet!
I ask one question? Why does it always take place in India? Why isn't Indian Law and Constituition faster? What lacks in Indian Constituition that criminals can have a life sentence inspite of the most heinous crime that they have created! It is because of this that the terrorists get the chance to freed each other! Who knows, an incidence like that of Kandahar HiJack would be on cards to release Kasab? Another hundred lives woJustify Fulluld be at stake! Hang Kasab like criminals within a week of that incidents like trapping innocent doesnt take place sooner!
Please Sir, we Indians are peace loving, but when it comes to our sleep and daily work outs being hampered, we cannot help, but express our anger! God blessed the terrorists that India doesn't allow easy licence to guns, or else, we wouldn't have heed the police... Shoot at Sight!!! We would have done the needful! Then we would get a bail... for Indian Laws allows that!! Atleast then we would be satisfied that we have cleaned up our motherland from the hands of certain cockroaches!
We dream a nation... a Bright and Strong nation! Please dont be excessive lineant and weaken our stance and dreams from within the nation!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this... I feel the same way.. Should God ever get me face to face with any of these ppl, I would definitely do something.. Shoot them or slap them!!! wahtever is in my power then...
