Saturday, September 19, 2009


I have never been so perplexed. This is the fourth time I am completely editing an article. Initially this article started off with bashing Mr. Kapil Sibal, Honrb'l Union Minister of Education for Reforming the education system in India, which I believe is for the worse!

Then the hype of the tour to Gadiara came upfront, so I redirected the thoughts to that! A day before the scheduled tour, the tour gets cancelled and the post that I am editing was the one post cancellation ready to vent out the vexation! Frustation... Even one of my friend who is in a similar situation mentions in his Orkut Profile: thru d---'no memory' land!!!

But I always believe and look up for the positive, hence I will walk through the 'memory' path and recollect the last time I had a trip in the Durgostav with Sangbaran, one of the vibrant colours in S5!

It was way back in 2007. Back then, S5 was segregated by geography with Sourav @ Hyderabad while Sandip was @ Bangalore. Sangbaran was then an unemployed engineer with Soumillo working in company in Sector I, Kolkata and I was pursuing my M.Sc [1st year in Genetics], Kolkata.

The remnant S5 had planned a night-stay at Soumillo's place, but 1 week before the event to be held on then: Panchami, Sanga mentions that he would be off to Mangalore for a training in his newly acquired job....

Old memories! That makes that last time I had a tour with Sanga was in 2006. Infact back then Soumillo, Sourav and Sanga were present. I post some of those days... in Collage [courtesy Googz Picasa 3] to cherish the moments in the memories when one of my friend mentions out of frustation 'no memory' land. I see no in-justification towards his feelings. Anyways, have a look at the S5 Pics: Durga Pujas 2006. The party was on Panchami, 27th Sept'06.

Snippets of Pujas 2006. The Literal Last with S5.

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