Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Bicycle Rider

The spikes of the bicycle have been revolving for 10,791 days; and it has gathered the dust of time from all routes the gears of life have steered it through, and it will run many a days, alike.

Dusts and mud, washed sometimes by the clean water of the juvenile stream or by the old stagnant ponds. The lakes and the seas have had their role to play, waving to it an adieu as it heads along through the lush green jungles. The rider would never boast that it ever missed a slip, when the roads were slippery with moist moss. Nature, still he loved and still he strives with his gears of life holding the push-bell firm. There, it still has new in roads to make.

The back seat, well it's smeared with the touch of several soft hands. But, it never missed it's share of being roughed by the barb wires. With all the greatness bestowed upon the lord almighty, it still has the strength to carry on.

Today, the spikes stopped for a while. The rider had put on the brakes; rare one and looked behind the path he has taken. There was a bifurcation or may be more than one, which he now couldn't see behind. Unfortunately the cycle wouldn't budge from it's onward route, so the thoughts clouded his mind. It was an assorted congregation from cries of birth to the squeaks of baggage that has his degrees and diplomas. A thunder or two burnt his desires and showers that drained away his passion. But, flowers bloomed in his meadow and he kept them untouched, locked away from harm's way! The rider also foresaw his aspirations brighten ahead and smiled. 

A look at the paddle- a balance between good and bad times. He has to step on both of them and steer ahead. He looked ahead; where the roads will meet one day and be bigger and brighter. Till then, he has to push ahead. And he will....

... I will; 2,58,984 hours....and counting!!!

(c) Somnath Paul | | 2012

1 comment:

  1. to be honest did not understand much but felt there is a tinge of psychedelia hanging around!!!
