Tuesday, December 23, 2008

What's Next?

POST # 214.

After GRE, its now the fag end of December, 2008. Most of my pals have taken their share of NET this Dec, 2008. Now with a score that is le reckoning, and a very reckoning TOEFL in the mixture, it feels to suffocated and at the edge of sheer discomfort, I sit down to think... What's Next?
For the moment, its festive season, and more so its winter here in Kolkata. And it has been a cheerfully chilling season in the last 10 years. The thought to enjoy the life sets in with the extra punch of Cappucino with the occasional concotion of Bloody Mary or Save the Private Ryan, or may be on the rocks, a peg of Peter Scot. The nose grows red, the ears steam and the palate flood with the thought, leave aside writting.
And then.....?
It will be 1st January 2009. To me, it now seems that some plan have gone haywire! The barbs are really prickly to touch. They are cold, and shockingly painful. The inputs of the Christmas nor the New year has had any affect on the coming new year. It will be faced coldly. Private tuitions dont fulfill the demands of the future. The application process too is quite far fetched. A thought that nurses itself within the nursery of no hope? Bull Shit? Its no time to think like that. But what can a sole being think out when he is totally empty and life's smile, too, is down into the unknown blacks!
I cry...... till I smile!


  1. were you on grass while writing this piece,its so peplexing to the normal mind!!!!
