Monday, September 19, 2011

Living Custody.

It had been a long wait...over a month, for a few documents to be set into place, so that I may take on the wings and move abroad. But may be, this time, it wasn't meant for me. Growth and age, through the several years, have taught us to be strong and have a brave heart to hope for more! So, I am obedient and am following that! In the mean time, there are plenty of work to be done and all will be pressing in hard and fast!

The dates are all fixed. It seems that coming November, I will be less at home and more out in the open space, roaming and doing my stuffs the best way possible. Camps to Bihar and Assam, during these weeks will be hard... Following will be some more drops of Vodka and Rum a home drawn conference. Dances and tangos will set the mood with my friend getting married, infact, two such marriages in line!  After that, there will some in-state camps...

With time. may be I will get indulged in these outings. But, I am missing you the most at these peace hours...when Kolkata sleeps and a slight quilt of mist tries to grab the streets, preparing it for the coming winter...I feel lonely and alone! Everyday, the Sun brings news for me..the warmth of yours, half the world round is brought in through the rays, that creep through the old wooden windows, even though they remain closed. I twist in the bed...feeling the bed sheet, instead of your hands, that I was holding in my dreams, just a few moments ago! The warmth pokes me... Wake Up! Its Skype time....

I rush out..., but most of the instances, the clock outruns me and indulge in a tryst with the paste, tapwater, tooth brush and the flush!

May be, this day, 20th September, 2011, I shall never board the EK571 from CCU... but I will wait for my turn in near future...for that strength, you are there...boost me my lord...boost me!

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