Saturday, March 21, 2020

House Arrest : A Nightmare in Making

It has already crossed a gargantuan number. Covid19 or as people call the Corona Virus infection. The governments are trying hard by suggesting people distance themselves, practise self-quarantine or in literal terms House Arrest themselves. The medical teams have put in their best foot forward trying to contain the spread and treating the effected; but the death counts are rising and the pandemic it has caused, dissolved all the borders.

Today, a movie came across my mind. "What Happened to Monday", 2017. I vividly recollect the scenarios of the society that had been portrayed in there. Due to overpopulation, the governments have imposed bans on the free daily movement of the mass and they are only entitled to go out on designated times. You are not supposed to have more than two kids and then a father tried to protect seven siblings, who were look-alikes or styled so,  were designated to go out one day of the week, each. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday as well as named so. And then something happened to Monday. A missing link that literally devastated their existence and the secret was to come out.


Today's situation is quite like that. Now people staying back, self quarantined for an indefinite period of time. But when the situation turns good, can they come out like free bodies? "Minimize Social Contacts" is a norm now. If that is being imposed, with more than 7 billion individuals, expected to touch 8 billion in 2023, keeping a safe distance of even 1 foot will be difficult. Then, what are the options?

Back in the early twentieth, the world faced Spanish Flu, in instalments various parts of the world faced the cholera epidemic in the last 200 years, a few years ago we had the SARS (South East Asia), Ebola (Western Africa) and Zika (being vector-borne), affecting travel, economy and life. But this is humongous! Covid19 surpassed all, affecting each and every country of this world. In fact, in my lifetime, I think it is the hardest hit pandemic scenario that the world has faced. It shows how vulnerable we still are and if Mother Nature can create us, she has the brutality to contain us. There are no more religious fights, no more terrorist activities, as the world comes together in hope that the Scientists can save them! COVID19 pandemic will be remembered as a great leveller. Bring the developed and the undeveloped nations try to find a cure, together! They will, but it will take time. I would like to quote Ivan Klima here:" To destroy is easier than to create " The scientific fraternity is trying hard and will soon come up with a cure. Till then, as the general mass, you have to help yourself and all others! #StayHome as much as possible; if you don't want to be in the situation like those seven sisters!