Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Lost Umbilical

There was a time, when people used to believe in a child, born out with a connection with his or her mother. A connection that has 108 vessels, severed after being nourished for the first 10 months of the individual's existence on this planet, cozy within the cocoon of motherly nest, called the womb. They still do now, not that WiFi and Wireless is effecting the umbilical cord. But, now some of those brainchild, come up with brilliant ideas of reconnecting with that womb of other mothers or would be mothers, not with flesh, but with iron rods!!! They do it, after the inhuman exhibition of strength of their own desire upon a lady who don't want their touch! They touch her, thinking of some iPhone and then, they nail her thinking that Jesus is still not looking! I don't care if Jesus is sleeping or not. What I care is that these cruel, inhuman, senseless animals should be brought to justice.

Yes, I am talking of the incident that took a few days back in New Delhi, with a paramedical girl was raped in a running bus, when the bus was swaying through the populated areas of the Indian Capital.I am talking for justice to be shown to those uncountable uncouth, who had played the game of finding a place to insert their dysfunctioned cables. They know, because of that, they won't get a girl, so how about getting together and force them in. They don't find a place, for they never are fertile, nor strong and totally Klienfelter!!!

I chose today: 21/12/12. Nostradarmis, Mayans and many more predicted this to be the last day of the world. They were true! The way humans are getting, they are killing each other, killing the name of being human, but still you find a Johnny Walker run down the street with a black T-shirt on and written on it: Being Human. Joke!

The Government should realize that this is serious. If you all can't give any justice, then catch them and throw them to us. We know what to do! Infact, facebook and texts are flowing in with various ideas, mostly directed towards the dysfunct cables of the guilty. But if asked my opinion, the best punishment would be to have a Mob attck on them! A mob has the face of humans, and just like the wasps being attacked by drones in the hive, we have to take that stance! I believe, that is the punishment by the humans, for the creatures, out of this world!

Looking forward for such Indian Penal Code to be formulated or else, the Indians will target the "Pee"-nal (Hindi) and that day is not far away!

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