Friends...! Where are you all??
Suddenly, I realized this insecurity while browsing Facebook and less frequently Orkut. All my friends have started vanishing from their frendsible nature!!! It seems that all their mind have undergone a nuclear meltdown and being a biologist, would term it as an atropy, all speaking in the same tone.
Facebook and Orkut and also Tweeter are made to express the nicks and bits and be in touch. But when ever I find time to browse through the pages, I find people busy writing some Gyaan
or Intellectual Cheesy Quotes or making some quotes of their own. Even if I support the latter part, being part of creativity, the former to me seems too boring... Friends
, the sole reason I joined orkut (first) and then Facebook was to be in touch with my childhood and adulteration years (college/university). I am not here to meet Alfred A. Montapert (as quoted by Arpan;CBS - Do not confuse motion and progress. A rocking horse keeps moving but does not make any progress)... I know I am not!
In the past few days, this hype of quoting has leaped past the fence, when I see some classic quotes on (some without the authenticity), like quoted by Sadashib, healthy or diseased....the human mind s selfish . But knowing Sada, who is creative, this quote can be Original!!!
But again, please please please.... TOO MUCH SWEET IS BITTER!!! I want my friends, not a bunch of philosophers... as it it, this World is not miser with these bunch of people, who deliver FREE Philosophies!!!
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