Friday, October 08, 2010

9 Days...

Just the other day, it seemed that I encashed my Paycheck of September and when I sat today, infront of my Work station, the clock blinked: 9th October, 2010. Nine days gone, and I never realized. Especially the last week.

It started on 2nd October, 2010. The body ached under tremendous lethargy. With micturiation below par, thanks to the minimal water intake the day before, the physician recommended me with ORS (!!!) and Water. But the main stuff started on 4th October, 2010. I was just about enjoying my Sunday Trivia with my students, when the fever started paying me homage and since 12PM  that Sunday, the homage continued at regular intervals! The doc almost diagnosed me out with Dengue / Malaria, but also cautioned that since I have not shown COMPLETE symptoms, hence he would initiate a diagnose with Viral Fever in mind! (I prayed and so it was!)

But, this sickness made me renew my old habits, being behind the lens. Inspired by a few of my friends in Facebook (specially) and Orkut, I started looking into the world with a different aspect! Close-up Photography was something that I craved for, as I wasn't a master of that. Although I would not mention that I have taken some great snaps, but is better than the previous endurance!

I intermingled the picture with a story... some thought. I would be posting one of my best of the lot, with a feverish body and mind, I have a thought to be posted.

We see through the glasses. Infact, spectacles have a subtle notion of intellectualism! (Although some may differ, but again an argument is also induced by the specs!) In India, we worship the deity (as in the picture) of Devi Saraswati as the Goddess of Eductaion and Intellect. If the Specs determine the armour of intelligence, then a human has to cover a distance to be properly in touch with the spiritualism as well as materialistic/ realistic outcome!

Hope all liked my interpretation.

My Lens will be at service for the Puja Parikrama, 2010!!!

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