Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Kony 2012: A Movement with a difference

Search google with the sun-storm of 2012, and every fifth link, you will find the movement impregnated, called Kony 2012. Its a movement, for a cause. Normally, with the modern political scenario like the Wall Street Fiasco later last year in USA or the Saddam Mission in Iraq, Gaddafi Movement in Libya or the Laden Assassination in Pakistan; a movement is mostly against the governmental efforts. Take for the Indian scenario. From Union Government's head-ache with Anna Hazare to the Stately matters of Mamata in West Bengal or Maya-Mulayam in UP, movements have shaped governmental policies from array to disarray or vice versa! In short, its against them.

But, movement Kony 2012, is to plead the government (international body) to take steps in arresting an atrocious dictator of Uganda,. Joseph Kony, who walks in the worng path of the righteousness, mutilating the verses of The Ten Commandments, to whip out gains from the Ugandians!  Kony 2012, is the motion to make this man famous, so that even the sleeping governments in Antratica can hear and take actions against this atrocious individual. He, who kidnap children to train them into terror commandos while make the girls item of sex and pleasure for the fighters for him. 

Its a bid to make him famous. I have done my part... read and share and do your part as well.

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