Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Canvas of Abstract Hues.

Amar janla diye choto ekta akash dekha jai....

Colloquial in Bengali, which if translated back into English means that "from my window I can see a small section of A SKY."
Ethereal thought with a sentimental tinge?
But more than a thought it pertains with the familiarity of feeling all lost in this fast and furious world. The hue and cry remains dormant, with no one to hear in the hubbubs of daily chores that seem so anachronistical to a small desire to be free. Free from the humdrums of life that follows a strict schedule of waking up, brushing your teeth, gargling, squeezing some nutrients as part of the epicure that would keep you galvanized, till you feel gastromic and then the self same lunch will be served to you, after which its another tryst with destiny, sitting in the small cubicle.... blah blah blah... and the monotony can keep on without dichotomy! The dictum? Its all so loathsome!
Time gets killed when there is still strength to rejoice the nectar of the dripping dew from the pine cones. The apiary shows a beeline which is sweeter than the sweetest honey, to live and lead a life away from all the hustle and bustles of city life... Come on people... give it a break! Why is there so much apprehension and speculation if I am a day overboard with my holidays?! Lumbering rules with abhorred outcomes that has nothing more than dismay and contempt for thw whole system.
I know its a total waste of time, atleast all will read and praise the flamboyance may be... but at the end of the day it shall keep in the 10001110000110000 lines in Funny eh? Well it is then... FUNNY! Pedagogic...? No thanks!


  1. well, its good to see, that u have the good fortune of enjoying even the tiniest piece of sky that peeps at you through your a world, where the sky is more a mass of concrete than cloud..and life follows suit..we really need to enjoy that little blue life that sometimes peeps at us., through the mad-mad jungles of a competitive daily routine..and keep the human in us matter how much the concrete enshrouds the sky...its the sky, with its nature, than gives life, life.and its that tiny piece of blue cloud in our hearts, that makes a man, a man.

    dunno whether wot i wrote was nonsense...but i sometimes really wonder about this very apparent analogy..

  2. corrections in my comment
    line 5: mad-mad:omit[dont remember wot i was thinking, but definitely, it was not an abstract term as "mad-mad"
    line 8: "that", instead of "than"
