Sunday, June 07, 2009

Nature TM

Natural Beauty and Studio Set-Up might seem analogous in the lens, but in truth, nature is for the longer run, while studio is dynamically changing. A known accepted Old Ragged concept.

But when you sit at the sea shore, trying to draw your name on the wet sand, hoping that the waves will not erase them at least once, drawing it deep...very very deep, trying to keep the waves at bay, building small dikes around your name, can you keep the water over run the name for long? One try, two try.... it washed the name from the "face of the earth", practically. Does that justify the sea to be malice?!

The sky seems blue, covering up the stars and the nebulae. At night, the transparency embeds millions of "diamonds in the sky". Ethereal, but standing in the open field, you can have a look no better that out there in the cosmos. But enjoy it on the ground, why? Because of transparency.

Relationships should pay such an attention. Irony to what you say would justify you to be called a crooked minded person. God knows and save the Ryan, but what man thinks is induced by you. Only you can change and no one can. I have a work at hand, and never mind my blog, for it's no more as interesting as it was few weeks back! (I guess)!!!

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