Saturday, October 25, 2008

25th Day of October, 2008.

Another day is on the cards. Two days hence will be one of the most lighted festivals, Diwali, be celebrated through out India. But life starts from where it has ended for me, from yesterday. The feeling is far from being satisfied and perplexion rules the day. I feel lethargic. Out of focus, as what to do and what not to. Seem quite anachronistic in my existence. Should have been in the times when there still were the feudal lords, and I would be the heir of a huge village and acres and acres of land.
With the weather all turned cold, with the occassional gusts blowing across the streets, with mumbling swirls of the fallen, yet partially soaked leaves sounds quite loud in the desolate "cold" streets of Calcutta @ 2:43AM.

The trucks hustles across the speed brakers. Something really bad is looming around.... but what is it? I dont know. Atleast this proves that I am not God, atleast to those people who are interested to know the answer of that stupid question: "Who are You?" The random titles tags thy mind, as I fight against the incumbency... to tackle the financial downfall...

Hard... to come to the terms. The twilight brightens... have to go!

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