The above two are simple pictures, snapped from Wikipaedia account for Democracy, and mind it, India is well placed in the safe zone for Democracy.
Now come to West Bengal.
All the pictures change in the micro-environment of a state, tainted Red in the regime of a party that supposedly has become an instituition in almost every right. After all, over 35 years of sitting at the helm of the State Machinery, that's over 50% time of a nation's independence is nothing but credit, something that they will try to bite into and cling forever!
But as mentioned always, the air is changing..and so is the picture of a "peaceful, no terrorism state" turning violent each and every day. The reason is simple, weakening roots always pay the price of the tree, making sounds of breakage or wreckage!
I have been mentioning a number of times over the net, in my blog, about the suppressive politics that Bengal foresees, but today everything is reaching to an over saturated status. Recently concluded march to Mangalkot, Burdwan, West Bengal, India. A good lineage eh?! People from the opposition party voiced their protest over the whimses of the state government, declaring CURFEW and 144 in the region. The region has become un-accessible to the world, even the media. Some people who wants to enter the zone are being beaten up by the state machinery, who keeps mumb over the situation! The recent being the beating up of the Trinamool Congress meeting towards the outskirts of Mangalkot, which was outside the the Curfew territory. The authority beat up, but in the following media presentation, thanks to Star Ananda, you will find two in black T-Shirt amongst the police cordon beating up the opposition as if they were dogs! Who are these "Colour Dressed Police?" CPM Goons? Cadres? They are CPM Hooligans! See the video for yourself!
Want to place any comments? Please do... As it is West Bengal is in Crisis for the past 15 years!
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