There is a wonder in everybody's heart and soul, as what can follow after death. Few, who have had the slight glance of it, coming out of the comatose lay off, speaks of an spectre of never before seen colours. Works of dying nerve? May be... then death is colourful.... God Knows! But yes, death has its own colour... Its just the way you see it... for, the colour black is mysterious that follows after death, and mystery always drains in the urge to know more... making the whole deal colourful..
Its not the hard and fast rule that you have to agree with my thoughts. Just felt penning down the point, and here I am with the point to make. May be it shall be a tryst to Finding Neverland, as no man can ever knwo what is it after death, for when he comes to know about it, it will be too late to speak out.....
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