Friday, January 23, 2009

A smile, A Tear drop and A fragment of Memory.

They all are the perfect composition for a nice commemoration of an eventful tour, a year ago. Just wanted to recap on those un-forgetful memories that (As Arijit would place), burn the desires to leave those days!
Human beings have had always tried to clinch onto the happy endings, more so with the fear of facing the sad dudes! some shed a tear or two while others just break down the face of atrocities. Yet, they all try to become a winner. Humans look forward, unless he feels that he has come a long way from the place of comfort, and then when he tries to come back, the roads have lost its grandeur or the path has eroded with many tears that have incessantly dripped down the chins, when he moves far away.
Slowly but steadily, time runs out! Then no one can, ever make up for what he or she has lost. We say that we have not been given a chance, but the most pertaining question that burns in my heart is that have we ever given time and them a chance? We always complain that we have not gone the chance. But have we ever given anyone a chance?
Guess one out of fifty would say that yes he or she has given others a chance... and what about the others????
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